Creality 3D Printers

On this page you will find the videos about Creality 3D printers that I tested.
Scroll down for older models.

▼ Ender 3 V2 Skipped Steps Problem SOLVED

UPDATED 4.2.7 Motherboard:
Best 3D Printer Upgrades:

Users with an Ender 3 V2 printer who purchased this printer at the end of 2020, or early 2021, and who are experiencing ...
skipped steps in virtually every print, may experience an issue on the motherboard of the printer, which has wrong stepper drivers.

Creality has shipped the Ender 3 V2 with the 4.2.2. motherboard, where the stepper drivers are soldered to the board, so they are not easy to replace. In the beginning, these were original Trinamic TMC 2208 silent stepper drivers (and the board is also available with 4988 stepper drivers), but later Creality started using a clone made in China that is much cheaper, but also much worse. These knock-off stepper drivers cause the problem of skipped steps, and this has nothing to do with incorrectly assembling the printer or not tightening the belts properly.

Since the TMC 2208 stepper drivers are soldered to the board and are not easy to replace, the only solution to fix the problem is to replace the motherboard with the 4.2.7 version, which is sold as an upgrade by Creality.

At the time of making this video, buyers who bought this printer with the wrong stepper drivers are not yet being compensated for this issue, and these users can only go to their reseller. In my case, the Dutch seller where my printer comes from was kind enough to give me the 4.2.7. motherboard for free to repair the printer, but I read on various forums that this is not the case everywhere in the world.

I can confirm that after replacing the 4.2.2 motherboard to the 4.2.7 motherboard, all problems have been resolved.

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Keywords for this video:
#Ender3v2 #3DPrintCreator #Creality #422motherboard

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