On this page you will find the videos about JGAurora 3D printers that I tested.
▼ JGAurora A5 repair | Bowden tube coupler repair for the JGAurora A5 printer
or here https://amzn.to/2D0GXPZ (Amazon)
For more than a year I use the JGAurora A5 printer on a daily basis. This printer sometimes runs 3 prints per day and ...can be called a real workhorse. That is why I wanted to repair it quickly when it went defective because the Bowden tube coupling suddenly became weak and the Bowden tube could no longer hold while printing.
When I started looking for the right Bowden coupler, I found out that JGAurora has released many different models of A5 printers, and that they use different types of couplers.
The first models that I bought turned out not to fit, and even after advice from JGAurora and consulting the JGAurora facebook pages, I received incorrect information about the correct couplers. Because of this, I kept buying more wrong connectors until I finally decided to buy all kinds of couplers that I could find, and luckily there was the right coupler between them.
For more information about the JGAurora A5, you can visit my website, where I have a lot of information about this 3D printer.
https://3d-printcreator.com/category/printer/jgaurora-a5/[+] Show More

▼ JGAurora A5 repair | Bowden tube coupler repair for the JGAurora A5 printer
JGAurora A5: https://bit.ly/2KDfFU2 (Gearbest) or here ...

▼ c:/JGAurora/A5/3D_Printer/Review
Affiliate links: ▼Creality CR-10mini GearBest: https://goo.gl/C2Zg3f ...

▼ 10 ways to Turbocharge your OLD 3D Printer
In this video I show you 10 ways how to get high speed printing done ...