On this page you will find the videos about XYZPrinting 3D printers that I tested.
Dear people – PLEASE READ THIS,
The Da Vinci Pro was the first printer I had, and it opened up my 3D world to me, but if I see all the problems I’ve had with this printer, and how bad the service from XYZPrinting is, I can not recommend this brand.
💮 Da Vinci Pro E3Dv6 Hot End Conversion
Here you can find his Thingiverse page where you can download the parts and contact him to buy the PCB. Also, if you like the part, please thank him for making it or buy the PCB from him instead of using the original PCB from your Da Vinci Pro drop in cartridge
Also read the comments under the video. There is a comment from Bruce Walker himself where he tells how he does things a bit different from what I have done !!!
The used E3Dv6 style hot end is the SHORT 1.75mm version on this page:
Affiliate links:
▼Creality CR-10mini
GearBest: https://goo.gl/C2Zg3f
Banggood: https://goo.gl/3SBKbU
▼AnyCubic I3 Mega
GearBest: https://goo.gl/WMSys6
Banggood: https://goo.gl/abwsjz
DealExtreme: https://goo.gl/qji2gw
▼JGAurora A5
GearBest: https://goo.gl/QTRDN5
Banggood: https://goo.gl/Ju3XXe
DealExtreme: https://goo.gl/prPyRG
▼Creality Ender 2
GearBest: https://goo.gl/yqinf8
Banggood: https://goo.gl/7MPSpv
▼Geeetech E180 Mini
GearBest: https://goo.gl/jQkWhm
DealExtreme: https://goo.gl/qMB3yd
▼4x Super Silent MKS V1.3 TMC2100 Stepper Drivers
GearBest: https://goo.gl/NcMwof
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Keywords for this video:
#3Dprinter #3Dprinting #XYZPrinting #3Dprintcreator
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